Notice of competition
XQ.EUJOY project (within the European tender CREA-CROSS-2022-JOURPART) is announcing a competition reserved for Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese students, aged between 18 and 25 years old, with a passion for journalism.
The consortium is made up of Dataninja (Milan), IdeaDinamica (Bari), Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental (Lisbon), Ediciones Octaedro (Barcelona), and Fundació Periodisme Plural (Barcelona).
The consortium is offering NINE scholarships (three for each country) that can be used to participate in an internship experience abroad, lasting a week, which will take place in Italy, Spain, or Portugal at the headquarters of one of the partner companies of the consortium. The scholarship includes airfare, accommodation, and a daily living allowance. Participation in the competition is by sending a letter of motivation and a CV.
In addition, participants will have access to a training programme.
Internship training programme
All participants will complete our online, self-paced data journalism course, designed by Dataninja. The course will cover:
- Finding data
- Data cleaning/organizing
- Data analysis
- Visualization
- Data storytelling (that is different from regular journalistic reporting, because it is about sources, methods of analysis, references to sources and beyond
- The training also includes the production of an article that will be part of a special edition of XQ.The News.
INTERNSHIP IN IDEA DINAMICA (Italy) – (November 2024)
Participants who carry out their stay with IDEA DINAMICA will also be vinculated with the University of Bari, and will have access to training in the following theoretical and operational areas:
- Journalistic ethics
- How to recognise news
- Theories and methods of investigative journalism
- How to package an investigation: article, reportage, documentary, graphic journalism, podcast
- Investigations and social media: a complex relationship
- In addition, the training will include participation in the Forum of Mediterranean women journalists 2024 that will take place in Bari in November.
INTERNSHIP IN ASPEA (Portugal) – (1 week between July and November 2024)
With the climate emergency being ever more present in daily life, ASPEA will offer training on how to report on those issues, without falling into the common difficulties. In particular, the training will cover the following topics:
- What is a climate story
- Strategies on how to create narratives about climate emergency
- How to cover the impacts of climate emergency on local communities and worldwide
- Challenges of covering climate stories
- Climate journalism vs climate activism
- Solutions/Constructive journalism approach
INTERNSHIP IN OCTAEDRO AND FUNDACIÓ PERIODISME PLURAL (Spain) – (1 week between July and November 2024)
Participants who do their traineeship in Spain will be part of both the Fundació Periodisme Plural and Octaedro. They will have access to a journalistic training programme in the following areas
- Journalistic genres (interview, chronicle, analysis…)
- In-depth journalism
- Press conference practice
- Journalism and education
- The image in the digital environment (photography, design, networks, etc.).
- Editorial work of XQ.The News media, learning all the stages of publishing articles.
The training also includes the production of an article that will be part of a special edition of XQ.The News.
Art. 1 – Scope and purpose of the call
The consortium has launched a European media portal (, currently written in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and English, characterized by innovative editorial processes involving the five members of the consortium and which it now intends to expand to the participation of adequately trained young journalists thanks to this call.
The XQ.EUJOY project also aims to establish cooperative links between youth media and educational organizations from different EU countries. The project focuses on Spain, Italy, and Portugal, but the idea is to expand it to all European countries, offering journalistic products that have pedagogical value and are understandable for all adolescents and young people.
Art. 2 – Prize up for grabs
The objective of the competition is to offer the winners a great internship opportunity, thanks to the provision of a SCHOLARSHIP to each of the NINE winners to allow them to be able to cover the costs of travel, food, and accommodation in the assigned foreign country and thus be able to attend the one-week internship.
Art. 3 – Recipients
The call for applications is aimed at students aged between 18 and 25, from the national education systems of Spain, Portugal, and Italy, who are passionate about journalism and digital information. The winners of the call will have access to an international practical and theoretical internship, in which they will have the opportunity to carry out journalistic investigations, articles, radio or television reports on topics related to environmental issues, ecological transition, data journalism, human rights and the role that Artificial Intelligence can play in these issues.
Art. 4 – Modalities of candidate selection
Participation in the call is free. Applicants must send:
- Letter of motivation (native language and English, 4.000 characters)
- Currículum (English)
The letter of motivation has to include an answer to the following critical questions:
“How can journalism improve the participation of young people in European political life? How can journalism reduce electoral abstentionism in Europe while creating more aware voters and reducing the impact of fake news on electoral proceedings?”
Art. 5 – Registration and submission deadline
Each candidate must upload the files via the application form at this link.
You can then express your preference for the foreign country in which you would like to carry out the internship. The only language skill required is fluent English as a second language. No other second language skills are mandatory.
The application must be uploaded by 15 June 2024.
For further information, please write to the following e-mail address:
By sending the application, each candidate transfers the exclusive rights to use the work. All the works submitted will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Use of documents and processing of personal data
As part of the organization of the competition, promotional initiatives may be carried out, at times and in ways to be established. Participants, with the membership application, without needing further written release, accept that they have nothing to claim for any reason or title relating to the initiatives described above. Participation in the competition entails acceptance of all the points contained in this announcement; failure to consent to even one of these points cancels participation in the competition itself. All personal data will be used solely and exclusively for what concerns the competition and the activities connected to it. The data collected will not be communicated or disclosed to third parties for purposes other than this competition.
Art. 7 – Jury
The submissions will be evaluated by a jury made up of representatives of the consortium: journalists, university lecturers, and experts in communication and new media.
The jury’s judgment is, for all legal purposes, unquestionable and characterized by technical discretion.
Art. 8 – Selection of winners
The work of the jury will be completed by 20 June 2024.
Each participant will be sent an email with the results of the competition.
The final lists of winners and reserves will be published on the project website:
Art. 9 – Acceptance of the rules of the call
Participation in the competition is considered as full acceptance of this call.
Each candidate must upload the two files via the application form.
Go to the application form: Application Form